Improving Digital Signage Throughout Schools & Communities

Education Display Solutions

Digitalization Improving the School Environment

To keep everyone informed, the educational sector has begun to incorporate digital signage into the classrooms as well as outside to keep everyone informed. Digital signage also allows schools to stand out from its competition by modernizing the campus with the best technology available.

New Learning Experience

Digital displays bring a different learning experience to the classroom by modernizing the space. With bright and stimulating text and images, students are engrossed in the content being presented and are encouraged to work simultaneously, sharing ideas and thoughts. 

What Al Nawras offers ?

As the educational field is becoming more up-to-date with technology, outdated outdoor signs, chalkboard and paper signs are no longer the prevalent means to inform the school’s community about the latest information regarding the school. Digital displays are the latest tools being incorporating in schools, as the archaic pen and paper are becoming obsolete.

Education Display Products

Interactive Touchscreen

Interactive Touchscreen elevate information sharing and drive more productive conversation in classroom and meeting room settings.

Samsung Flip

Flip changes how teachers engage with their students during class. The interactive display allows teachers to project lessons directly on the screen while writing, editing…
Facilitate More Impactful Lecture Experience

Smart Solutions

Smart School Solutions